I am part of about 300 hundred Instant Pot Facebook group (ok, I’m exaggerating a little bit) and I see posts a few times a day asking about how to use Instant Pot or talking about the actual time of cooking in an electric pressure cooker or complaining about the steam that they didn’t expect. I was the same. I expected a miracle product and at first was disappointed by what I got. It took time for me to like my Instant Pot and even more time to love using it. I hope this article will help people considering buying an Instant Pot. Here you will find 7 Things You Need To Know About Instant Pot and why you might even not want to buy it.
How to turn cupcakes into truffles
Learn how to turn cupcakes into truffles – four different flavours for any taste. Perfect for a snack with a cup of coffee or elegant dessert. Great way to use dry cupcakes. I am going to say something that will most likely shock people – I don’t really love cupcakes! Well, this is not entirely…
How to bake perfect boiled eggs in oven
How to bake perfect boiled eggs in oven – half an hour, muffin tray, and no water! Perfect for Easter! I strongly dislike boiling eggs! Anyone else feels the same? I love eating hard boiled eggs but making them is always a pain. Water keeps over boiling. Shells crack. I lose track of time and…